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What is Scoliosis? 

In a normal and healthy spine, when the vertebrae are viewed from behind, there is a straight line from top to bottom in the neck, back and waist areas.

Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine greater than 10 degrees to the side when viewed from the front or back. In scoliosis, the vertebrae are displaced to the right or left and also rotate around their own axis. For this reason, it is defined as a three-dimensional deformity. 

Scoliosis is most commonly seen in the back and lumbar regions of the spine and may involve one or both of these regions. The most common form of curvature is the curvature on the right side of the chest. 

What are the causes of scoliosis?

Scoliosis can occur due to many different underlying diseases. Many factors can cause scoliosis, such as congenital disorders in the formation of the spinal bones, disorders in the rib cage bones, nerve and muscle diseases, spinal tumors, trauma, spinal infections, metabolic diseases, and surgeries in areas close to the spinal bones. 

The most common form is scoliosis of unknown cause (idiopathic). 

Studies show that scoliosis is a genetic disease, and studies are still continuing to distinguish the genes that cause scoliosis. "Carrying a heavy bag", as it is commonly known, is not a factor that causes scoliosis. 

What are the physical changes that scoliosis may cause? 

One shoulder is higher than the other. One shoulder blade (scapula) is more protruding. One hip is higher than the other. One leg may appear longer. There is asymmetry in the waist, the waist holes are not equal. The trunk and ribcage are shifted to one side. The head is not centered between the hips. Dresses don't fit neatly and one side looks higher when the child bends down from the waist.

What are the Treatment Methods for Scoliosis? 

Scoliosis can be treated with surgical or non-surgical methods depending on the size and severity of the curvature. Non-surgical methods include monitoring the progress of the curvature with physical therapy and exercises, using a corset, and using a cast. The decision for surgery varies depending on the stage of growth, location of the curvature and shape of the curvature. There are several different scenarios for curves between 25-40 degrees.

If the curve has worsened but is still less than 40 degrees and growth is complete, the risk of such curves progressing into adulthood is low. If the curvature has worsened but surgery is not recommended and it still continues to grow, then close observation is required and the use of a corset may be considered.

If a curve reaches 40 degrees, surgery may be recommended even if growth is not complete. When the skeleton matures, curvatures less than 40-45 degrees in the back area tend to progress less, but lumbar curves have a lower threshold value of 35-40 degrees.

Curvatures greater than 50 degrees when the skeleton matures have a risk of progression throughout adulthood, but at a slower rate (about one to two degrees per year). 

Surgery is likely to be recommended. The aim of surgery in scoliosis is to prevent further progression of the deformity and to correct the spine in the safest way possible. Stopping the progression will also prevent serious health problems that come with severe scoliosis later in life. 

Some of the problems that may occur with large curvatures include difficulty breathing, heart problems, muscle weakness and pain. In short, a smooth and balanced trunk and spine are obtained with surgical treatment. The surgical procedure to be performed will be determined by the specialist physician depending on the type of scoliosis, the degree of curvature and its potential to increase, and the age of the patient. 

During surgery, the curvature is corrected to the greatest extent that a safe correction is possible. To do this, implants (usually rods, screws, wires, and/or hooks) are attached to the vertebrae in the part of the spine where the curvature occurs.


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