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Nutrition in Chronic Diseases

Nutrition is very important in chronic diseases. It paves the way for many diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, blood pressure) due to nutritional errors. While preparing the nutrition program, other health conditions in the body as well as chronic and metabolic diseases should be taken into consideration. The aim is to support the patient's medical treatment process, as well as to ensure that the patient receives all the nutrients he needs and to improve the patient's quality of life. Nutrition in cardiovascular diseases; The percentage of calories coming from saturated fats needs to be reduced. Reduce the percentage of calories that come from trans fat.

Choose low-fat products instead of high-fat milk and dairy products. We should pay attention to a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Diabetes and nutrition Sugar and all sugary desserts should be avoided. Pastries (bagels, pastries, white bread) and acidic drinks should be avoided. Solid fats and foods with high fat content should be avoided. We can increase the fiber content of edible fruits by consuming them without peeling them. We can choose whole grain products instead of white bread and bulgur pilaf instead of rice pilaf. Nutrition in hypertension The amount of saturated fat should be reduced. Olives, pickles, canned foods, salty cheeses, salami, sausages, soudjouk, bacon and chips that contain too much salt should not be consumed. Daily salt consumption should be restricted. Processed products should be avoided. Nutrition in cancer treatment Healthy nutrition is one of the protective factors against cancer. A nutrition program should be prepared for cancer patients according to the treatment they receive. Excessive weight loss is often observed in cancer patients, so support can be taken from enteral products in addition to nutrition. Offal and delicatessen products should be avoided. When consuming meat products, care should be taken to ensure that they are well cooked. Packaged products and canned products should be avoided. Pomegranate, kiwi, grapefruit, blackberry and foods containing them should not be consumed as they may interact with medications. Nutrition in kidney diseases Proper nutrition in kidney diseases can increase the quality of life of the patient. For this, in addition to medication and dialysis treatments, it is very important to follow regular exercise programs, have the ideal weight, proceed with the right diet program, reduce salt, and quit smoking and alcohol. We should pay attention to salt consumption. When cooking vegetables, pay attention to healthy cooking methods. Try not to skip meals and eat small and frequent meals. We should pay attention to our daily protein intake. Obesity and nutrition Obesity is an increasing health problem in our society. Food consumption above normal food intake is the main cause of obesity.

To protect from obesity; We should not consume meals quickly. We must swallow after chewing thoroughly in our mouth. Meals should not be skipped. We should eat healthy little and often. Television, phone and tablet should not be turned on while eating. You should not wake up and eat at night. We should take care to consume 3-4 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. We should consume an average of 8-10 glasses of water during the day. We should cook our meals with healthy cooking methods.


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